Placenta Encapsulation is a hot new trend which many women plan for when they have their baby, due to all sorts of anecdotes reporting benefits which range from energy and mood regulation to help with breastmilk production. But this service is mostly relegated to main cities where service providers are more common. But for those in rural or regional areas, it can be impossible to find someone to do it for you.
This comprehensive 7 page, 2200 word DIY Guide tells you exactly what to do to prepare, process and encapsulate your own placenta pills and details the following:
~Equipment Needed
~Preparing the workspace
~Processing your placenta in the Raw Method
~Processing your placenta in the TCM / Steamed Method
~Encapsulation process
~Sanitising your equipment
PLUS 3 Bonus instructions on
~How to take the perfect photo of your placenta so it doesn’t look gross
~How to make a pretty placenta print, and
~How to make a dried cord keepsake