The Natural Beginnings ‘Natural Mama Kit’ contains:
- Mumma Mojo (The Australian Bush Flower Essence blend)
Alpine Mint Bush, Bottlebrush, Bush Fuchsia, Crowea, Macrocarpa, Paw Paw, and Philotheca. It strengthens the connection between a mother and her child or children; enhances her intuition and eases any burden of responsibility and overwhelm. It also helps a mother to pay attention to and look after her own needs, not just her family’s. - Qiara Pregnancy & Breastfeeding probiotic sachets (x 7)
Each sachet contains no less than 39mg/3 billion organisms of Lactobacillus Fermentum CECT5716.Clinical Research shows that it may reduce discomfort associated with breast pain and mild mastitis and the recurrence of mild mastitis by aggressively targeting and outcompeting the pathogenic bacteria in breast milk that may cause pain and infection. It also helps to restore and maintain a healthy balance of protective flora in the breast milk microbiome to help prevent recurrence. Taking one sachet of Qiara daily while breastfeeding may assist in increasing beneficial breast milk flora levels. - Natural Beginnings ‘Herbal External Healing Cream‘ (30g) which can be used to help with stretch marks, sore nipples, caesarean scars, episiotomy or perineal tear scars.
Contains: Organic Shea Butter, Aqueous cream, Tinctures of Calendula, Chickweed & Got kola tinctures, Rosehip Oil, Carrot Seed Oil, Essential Oils of Chamomile, Geranium & Lavender, Zinc. - Naturobest Trimester 2 & 3 Plus Breastfeeding capsules (x 60)
Contains vitamins and minerals required to sustain a healthy pregnancy after the first trimester. It also helps beyond birth by helping to ensure you’re able to keep up with the demands of motherhood and breastfeeding.