My Background
I was brought up in a very strict Brethren Christian household which involved Sunday school followed by 2 church services every Sunday, attendance at a Christian school plus extra Bible study. But born with a rebellious spirit, something within me always questioned the accepted reality in which I was indoctrinated, and it didn’t make sense to me that a God who was supposed to be the epitomy of Love, would give us only one chance at life on a very unlevel playing field, to “get it right” for our ticket to heaven, while those who “got it wrong” were condemned to torture for eternity in hell.
I remember my mother telling me as a child that I was lucky to be here because she bled all of her pregnancy with me and was told by her Dr that I probably wouldn’t make it, to which I replied earnestly that if I wasn’t born to her that I would’ve been born to someone else. She would laugh and say “So you think you were a soul flying around in the air looking for someone to be born into?” and I said an emphatic yes! This was a very foreign concept to our religion.
My Awakening
In my early 20s I read all I could on comparative religion and settled on Buddhism with the belief in karma and reincarnation which made a lot more sense to me, but it didn’t really sit right with me that Buddhists don’t believe in God, even though the God I grew up with felt authoritarian and judgemental. Then a chance encounter in my late 20s had me reading The Spirits’ Book by Allan Kardec which I could not put down. Through channelled writings, this book has over 1000 questions and answers explaining the evolution of the soul, a truly loving God, and the universal law of karma and reincarnation to give us a chance to learn our many lessons. With other teachings from the likes of Neale Donald Walsch (‘Conversations with God’) and Dolores Cannon which affirmed what I was learning, I felt like I finally found a belief I could embrace.
Fast forward to 2020 and the acceleration of the dark agenda, the lifting of veils (aka ‘The Great Awakening’), a heightened sense of my clairsentience (clear feeling ie. tingles throughout my body as affirmations of truth) and claircognicense (clear knowing), and a very strong pull that there was something else in life I was destined to do, and I came across angel medium Shunanda Scott. Shunanda felt very aligned and made perfect sense with the messages from the angels that are always full of hope, in stark contrast to the pessimistic expectations that going down all the Covid “rabbit holes” were leaving me with.
My Training
I signed up for Shunanda’s Angel Messenger Level 1 course in early 2023, learning how to do angel readings for others (practising with the other students, some of whom said I was very gifted), followed by Level 2 where I learnt how to do angel readings for myself, including 33 channelled messages. This further expanded my intuition, resulting in my most heart-led and successful year I’ve ever had.
The following is a channelled message I received from Archangels Uriel, Ariel and Butyalil:
“God is the hidden force behind every creation, behind every tree, stone, animal and human.
God has no form. God has no gender, but has created a binary universe so that we appreciate opposites.
God is not personally offended by anything because God has no ego, therefore there is no reason to feel guilt and shame. God is not judging us.
Just as a mother loves her children unconditionally, how much more does God love each and every one of us, even when we think we are letting God down.
Angels are God’s messengers and are the vessels of communication, like a filter between God and humanity so it feels and sounds more discernable to our lower frequencies. But there is nothing wrong with connecting directly to Source if that feels good.
Keep talking with God. Keep talking with angels.
Keep immersing yourself in God’s creation to open yourself up to the subtle whispers of angelic messages of divine communication.”
Information and Booking
Angels don’t predict the future or tell you how to avoid suffering which would prevent the learning and growth that comes with difficult times, but are here to help guide you on your next steps to navigate life’s challenges, leaving you with hope and a renewed sense of direction. I truly believe we enter this life on earth with a rich history and a soul contract to learn lessons that we did not complete in past lives, and the angels are always here to assist us whenever we ask.
So if you are feeling a bit lost and in need of some divine guidance, let me help communicate the angels’ voices to gently assist you on your path to your highest timeline. Sessions include 3 questions for 1/2 hour @ $66, or 6 questions for 1 hr @ $111.
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