The Natural Beginnings library has many books and DVDs on offer to lend to clients which are listed below:
Natural Fertility & Preconception Health
- Natural Fertility Francesca Naish
- The Natural Way to Better Babies Francesca Naish & Janette Roberts
- How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby Dr. Shettles
Pregnancy & Birth
- Alternative Therapies for Pregnancy and Birth Pat Thomas
- Am I Allowed? Sara Wickham
- Back Labor No More: Janie McCoy King
- Beyond the Birth Plan: Rhea Dempsey
- Birth – Conceiving, Nurturing and Giving Birth To Your Baby Sandra Robinson & Catherine Price
- Birthing From Within – Pam England
- Birth Journeys Leonie M
- Birth In Awareness Gabrielle Earls
- Birth Matters: A Midwife’s Manifesta Ina May Gaskin
- Birth Reborn Michel Odent
- Birth Right Susan Ross
- Birth With Confidence Rhea Dhempsey
- Birth Without Violence Frederick LeBoyer
- Blokes and Babies Brad Story
- Bountiful, Beautiful, Blissful Gurmukh
- Cheers to Childbirth Lucy Perry
- Childbirth Without Fear Dick Lee-Read
- Doulas Susan Ross
- Easing Labour Pain Adrienne B Lieberman
- Gentle Birth Method Dr Gowri Motha
- Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering Dr Sarah J. Buckley
- God’s Plan for Pregnancy Nerida Walker
- Group B Strep Explained Sara Wickham
- Homebirth Father’s Handbook Leah Hazard
- Hypnobirthing Marie Mongan
- In The Womb Peter Tallack
- Ina May’s Guide To Childbirth Ina May Gaskin
- Labour Of Love: Tales from the world of midwives Amanda Tattam & Cate Kennedy
- Mamatoto The Body Shop
- (A) Modern Woman’s Guide to a Natural & Empowering Birth: Katrina Zaslavsky
- New Active Birth Janet Balaskas
- Peaceful Birth Peaceful Earth Kate Tully
- Placenta: The Forgotten Chakra Robin Lim
- Preparing For A Gentle Birth: The pelvis in pregnancy Blandaine Calais-Germain and Nuria Vives Pares
- Reclaiming Birth As A Rite Of Passage Dr Rachel Reed
- Redeeming Childbirth: Experiencing His Presence in Pregnancy, Labor, Childbirth & Beyond A Tolpin
- Simply Give Birth Heather Cushman Dowdee
- Spirit Babies Walter Makichen
- Spiritual Midwifery Ina May Gaskin
- Sunny Side Up! A workbook for posterior labours Claire Eccleston
- The Birth Partner: A Complete Guide to Childbirth for Dads, Doulas & All Other Labor Companions Penny Simkin
- The Down To Earth Birth Book Jenny Blythe
- The Belly Mapping Workbook: How Kicks And Wiggles Reveal Your Baby’s Position Gail Tully
- The Herbal Doula Marie White
- The Herbal For Mother and Child Anne McIntyre
- The Father’s Homebirth Handbook: Leah Hazard
- The Little Book of Pelvic Jiggling for Pregnancy & Birth Jenny Blyth
- The Natural Pregnancy Book Aviva Jill Romm
- The Natural Way To A Better Pregnancy Francesca Naish & Janette Roberts
- The Natural Way to Better Birth & Bonding Francesca Naish & Janette Roberts
- The Positive Birth Book Milli Hill
- The Thinking Woman’s Guide To A Better Birth Henci Goer
- The Yoga Of Birth Katie Manitsas
- Ten Moons: The Inner Journey of Pregnancy Jane Hardwicke-Collings
- Vitamin K & the Newborn Sara Wickham
- Water Labour Water Birth Annie Sprague
- Why Induction Matters Dr Rachel Reed
- Wise Woman Herbal For the Child Bearing Year Sussun Weed
- A Breech In The System
- Birth Into Being
- Birth Rites
- Birth Stories – Beyond The Face Of Birth
- Birth With Gloria LeMay
- Daily Essentials: Activities for pregnancy comfort and easier birth Gail Tully and Sarah Longacre
- Dance Of The Womb: Belly Dance For Pregnancy & Birth Maha Al Musa
- Doula! The ultimate birth companion Toni Harman
- Dusty’s Big Day Out
- Freedom For Birth: The Mother’s Revolution
- Lotus Birth Rachana Shivam
- Our Journey to Homebirth After 3 Caesareans
- The Child Within The Lotus Margaret Stephenson Mere
Breastfeeding, Parenting & Postpartum
- Attachment Play Aletha Solter
- (The) Aware Baby Aletha Solter
- (The) Baby Book Sears & Sears
- Breastfeeding Naturally
The Australian Breastfeeding Association - Beyond The Sling Mayam Bialik
- (The) Continuum Concept Jean Liedloff
- (The) Complete Buddhism For Mothers
Sarah Napthali - The Diaper Free Baby Christine Gross-Loh
- Food-Sensitive Babies: Dietary investigation for breastfed babies Joy Anderson
- Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering Sarah Buckley
- Helping Young Children Flourish Aletha Solter
- Ina May’s Guide to Breastfeeding Ina May Gaskin
- Joyful Parenting Freya Dawson
- Magical Child Joseph Chilton Pearce
- Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives Deepak Chopra
- Mothering Multiples Karen Kerkhoff Gromada
- Raising Boys Stephen Biddulph
- Playful Parenting Lawrence J Cohen
- Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves Naomi Aldort
- Sleeping Like a Baby Pinky McKay
- Tears & Tantrums Aletha Solter
- (The) Postpartum Survival Guide Jodi Selander
- (The) Science of Parenting Margot Sunderland
- Twins: A practical guide to parenting multiples from conception to prechool Katrina Bowman & Louise Ryan
- (The) Vaccine Book: Dr Sears
- Breast Crawl
- Hello Dad: Infant communication for fathers – Good Beginnings Australia & The NSW Institute of Psychiatry
- Parenting Naturally: What Do I Do Now? – Parenting Naturally Series
- Raising Children: A guide to parenting from birth to 5 – Raising Children Network