I am so grateful I found Virginia during my pregnancy. I had PUPPPS (a pregnancy induced rash that was driving me crazy) and had tried various things to fix it. Antihistamines, V8 juice, cold water all eased the never-ending itch a little but nothing was more than temporary and minimal help. Apparently PUPPPS doesn’t go away till the baby is born but I didn’t want to give up so I asked Virginia for some herbs. WOW. Within 2 days, itch had reduced by 50%. By 10 days, it had virtually disappeared, to the point I stopped taking the herbs or even thinking much about it at all. SO delighted as this changed my last weeks of pregnancy from an itchy haze to just normal 3rd trimester slowing down. Baby now here and is perfect Virginia, I can’t express my thanks enough.
~ Sue White (www.suewhite.com.au)